Category: Business development
Web3 and all of my questions, #3
There is obviously a dividing line between integrity and authenticity when we talk about creating value based on Web3 technology. I’ll see if I wind up my own tail in trying to elaborate on this (for me) quite unclear topic. Cryptocurrencies, distributed ledgers, DApps etc. built on a blockchain has this quite odd property –…
If I told you that your documentation sucks, would you agree?
The real challenge when discussing documentation quality is that it is a topic with so many layers, bottom and dimensions. But I can tell you the following: maintaining documentation is almost an impossible task, when talking about quality and conformity, if you don’t do it right. It’s also hard to sort out what one actually…
The ‘start from a blank paper’ curse
It aint what you might believe at first – a super-trendy writing about how to start blogging. It’s far more boring than that. This piece could also be headlined with something like “How to overcome the lingual glitch between IT and the rest” (though I realize I don’t have any clear answers, after reviewing this…
Vad menar vi med digital transformation och vem angår det?
Eller – Digitalisering för nybörjare Härom dagen flimrade det förbi ett informationsfragment om digital transformation (igen) som jag inte kunde låta bli att glutta lite närmare på (igen). Det var en delning av en promotion för, där Telias VD förklarade vad begreppet står för. Jag kan absolut instämma i det hon säger, men det…