I posted on Apples user forum for the first time – and got refused

Photo by Kamil S on Unsplash

Now this is a cry baby post – this is the feedback and my post text down below. I don’t think it was that bad

Hi MrArne, 

Thanks for participating in the Apple Support Community.

We’ve removed your post How I solved MacOS Sonoma and the photos library sync dilemma because it contained either feedback or a feature request that was not constructive.

To read our terms and conditions for using the Community site, see this page:  Apple Support Community  – Terms of Use

We hope you’ll keep using our Support Community. You can find more information about participating here:  Apple Support Community – How To Articles

If you have comments about any of our products, we welcome your feedback:  Apple – Feedback

We’ve included a copy of your original post below.


Apple Support Community Staff

My post text start here:

N.B – this is not a question, it’s a proposition – not likable by all, but who am I to judge?

To begin with – this should actually been written down here already, but my search attempts don’t find anything similar.

I’m on a MBP M1 Max from mid -21.

I started this computer fresh, no TM backup installed, since I endured the Catalina Hell on my old intel machine and solved these problems in the same way as now, with full success – like now.

To clarify my prerequisites: I’m nowadays a blind optimist, relying on cloud storage instead of local storage and Time Machine backups, so I store all my files in a somewhat ordered (?) manner on iCloud (with a grotesquely big iCloud photo Library), OneDrive and Google workspace (paid version). Oops, forgot a small portion of Box.com and some residuals on Dropbox…

So – the only thing to actually backup is the system. I have always been a proponent of backups, but I also realize that this is so much more complicated in order to really achieve a high and reliable quality level. Those of you who think I’m a moron may do so, I simply don’t care (until I need to realize that you were right anyway, by some obvious reason you are pointing out…).

So, to the point:

I copied all files I found too valuable and that was stored locally manually on an external disk. I then read in Apples support pages about how to perform a fresh (re-)install of Sonoma, which is much more easy now that it was before – nowadays a little more iOS-like 😬 – you reach it from the settings menu

After the fresh install I logged in on the computer, with my iCloud-account and all the iCloud-stuff was slowly synced to the computer. Now I have a fully functioning Photo Library – and I need to repeat these steps on my wife’s MBA M1…

I know that this is quite crappy by Apple from a quality perspective, but it is what it is… at least there is a solution on this very annoying problem, and as so many times before I guess it’s all about file access issues, but who knows where?

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Of course, I had some badly hidden critique against the quality of the software, but was it so bad? I will never waste my time on posting my findings there, and at least that is somewhat benficial experience.

It is also interesting because for me it is a sign of the functional dumbness that most enterprises get more or less trapped in.

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