You must transform to the future of work!! – or do you…?

Hand-drawn sketch showing a huge number of arrows pointing in all directions

AND I CAN SHOW YOU HOW!! – or can I?

The trend is strong, there is a career advisor (or COACH – how I have come to dislike this word more and more) behind every corner, eager to sell you his or her advice. The only thing that seem to differ is the price tag – some are selling a fairly cheap bullet list for you to check, step by step, and thy future shall be bright and prosperous. Others sell qualified courses and programs for more or less hefty sums which in themselves can act as a strong motivator for you to actually do something for yourself, eg. for gods sake, use the expensive toolbox you just bought. And of course, there is a myriad of levels and variants in between these extremes.

I must emphasize that I have the deepest respect for these people (well, most of them) that are getting themselves out of their comfort zones, and I think it is fascinating how many of them who seem to succeed (of course, the less successful majority is sorted out by the algorithms, but anyway, er).

The pattern I see in this I find interesting, but it’s nothing new. It is that business areas that are the most prosperous ones are those which are selling hope. We have entered at stage in history (yet again maybe) where the pot filled with gold at the end of the rainbow is the most grateful or easy thing to start selling, which means that being a coach who sells prosperity recipes becomes some sort of meta-coaching, since supporting the marketeers marketing is very common these days when every one needs to (or do they?) start their own business, thus being in the need for advice, right?

This pattern is common in dire times with lay-offs and distrust in growth forecasts, and it is probably virtously reinforced by the SoMe penetration into our very genomes.

My problem in this, without making this to a cry baby post, is that I am doing my thing in a high-competition market, where thousands and thousands of skilled people are offering the same thing as me – high-end (er…) consulting services, preferably to more or less large public adminstrations and private enterprises, and this market is owned by them brokers who are offering their customers a filter function in order to push prices down and to cut a nice commission on just being a – broker.
This, in combination with me having my imposter syndrome, and a not clearly niched competence profile. makes it hard find someone who actually can give me a clear path ahead where I can get prosperous and get an even and nicely leveled revenue stream. So, my analysis of the flourishing coaching market is: it’s not for every one, it’s more for the seller than the buyer, and I’m not one of these.

Another problem I have with this is a severe bias towards doubt when it comes to salability – my thoughts most often revolves around “nobody can buy that, so stupid can’t anyone be“, about offerings I stumble over, but the fact remains – people buy crap, and they’re happy with it! So why shouldn’t I be able to sell my own value, but towards totally different markets and through totally different channels I’m used to?

THAT is my challenge ahead, and now I have time to do something about it, before I pop out in a new period of fighting for a (too poorly) paid assignment. I must just find out how my track record can be converted into an offer you can’t refuse, owned by me, giving you maximum value. Time for a change, and to actually start doing it. Stay tuned.

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